Development of attitude self-analysis capacity from the perspective of preventing socio-cultural non-integration

Show simple item record TARNA, Ecaterina 2025-02-01T05:34:10Z 2025-02-01T05:34:10Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation TARNA, Ecaterina. Development of attitude self-analysis capacity from the perspective of preventing socio-cultural non-integration. În: Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives: Conference proceedings of the international scientific conference, 27-28 September, 2024. Chișinău: CEP UPSC, 2024, pp. 380-386. ISBN 978-9975-46-968-5. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-46-968-5
dc.description.abstract This article contains general ideas about the issue of developing the capacity for attitudinal self-analysis from the perspective of preventing sociocultural non-integration. To be socioculturally integrated, refugees must adheere to certain values, opinions and attitudes of the reference group. The increased effort to which refugees are subjected to seek adaptation in the current conditions of strong socioeconomic ascent and informational explosion amplifies the emergence of sociocultural integration difficulties. In our view, sociocultural non-integration is due to either attitudinal self-analysis deficiencies, or to social conditions that favor the appearance of certain disintegrative behaviors, destructive and dysfunctional for the stability of the social system. In this article, we highlight our aspiration for the development of the consciously and purposefully chosen non-conflictual attitude of perspective preventing sociocultural non-integration. We believe that developing the capacity for attitudinal self-analysis requires a good knowledge of personality, involving the acceptance of one’s identity and the acquisition of discernment to distinguish between permitted and prohibited conduct, between constructive and destructive conflicts, between legitimate means and illegitimate, between desirable and undesirable goals from a sociocultural point of view. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives : Conference proceedings of the international scientific conference, 27-28 September, 2024
dc.subject Development en_US
dc.subject Self-analysis en_US
dc.subject Attitudes en_US
dc.subject Integration en_US
dc.subject Non-integration en_US
dc.subject Socio-cultural integration en_US
dc.subject Refugees en_US
dc.title Development of attitude self-analysis capacity from the perspective of preventing socio-cultural non-integration en_US
dc.title.alternative Dezvoltarea capacității de autoanaliză atitudinală din perspectiva prevenirii neintegrării socioculturale en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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