The specifics of speech therapy assistance in the context of migration

Show simple item record PONOMARI, Dorina IOSIP, Veronica HOLBAN, Maria 2025-01-28T16:05:14Z 2025-01-28T16:05:14Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation PONOMARI, Dorina; IOSIP, Veronica şi HOLBAN, Maria. The specifics of speech therapy assistance in the context of migration. În: Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives: Conference proceedings of the international scientific conference, 27-28 September, 2024. Chișinău: CEP UPSC, 2024, pp. 148-153. ISBN 978-9975-46-968-5. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-46-968-5
dc.description.abstract Currently, the changes taking place around the world are significantly intensifying population migration processes. A radical change in the usual conditions of life, which is caused by the relocation of the family to another region or country with a different language, other cultural traditions, leads to the fact that there is a disorientation of a preschool child from a migrant family, so this issue for pedagogy becomes more and more relevant. The most vulnerable in this situation are children, who represent a huge part of the migration flow. The presence of a language disorder in migrant children will significantly disrupt their adaptation and integration. Thus, it is particularly important to address the problems of educational programs, and in particular, speech therapy assistance programs for children with global language disorders. Global language disorder (pathological disorder in which all sides of language are underdeveloped: phonetic-phonematic, lexical-semantic and grammatical in the presence of preserved intellect and hearing) is a pathology frequently encountered in preschoolers, caused by various pathogenic factors of organic origin but aggravated/accentuated by psycho-social factors. In the case of migration we can see a vicious circle, the underdevelopment of language will make it difficult for these children to adapt and integrate and this will accentuate their language problems. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives : Conference proceedings of the international scientific conference, 27-28 September, 2024
dc.subject Language disorder en_US
dc.subject Preschoolers en_US
dc.subject Migration en_US
dc.subject Speech therapy en_US
dc.subject Tulburări de limbaj en_US
dc.subject Preșcolari en_US
dc.subject Migrație en_US
dc.subject Logopedie en_US
dc.title The specifics of speech therapy assistance in the context of migration en_US
dc.title.alternative Specificul asistenței logopedice în contextul migrației en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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