The topicality of the topic is justified by the attention given to the sociology of emotions by the social sciences, which are part of a broad and welcome movement to shift the emphasis from ideology and discourse to the reality of the socio-cultural world, by the current character and importance of the formation of social intelligence among educators from preschool education. The importance of the theme is determined by the need to develop the social intelligence of educators, as a factor of their efficiency and orientation towards professional success. The targeted target results from the content of international documents regarding the decisive value of social intelligence for the professional training of teachers: in the Education Development Strategy for the years 2014-2020 „Education-2020”, the European framework of key competences for lifelong learning includes social and civic competences, which refer to personal, interpersonal and intercultural competences and to all forms of behavior that allow each person to participate effectively and constructively in socio-professional life. The professional career in modern society has become an important means of social integration, because modern societies are based on complex economic relations where everyone can find a place in life through professional activity. In conclusion, we can say that social intelligence represents the knowledge or understanding that a person needs to activate effectively and comfortably for himself and others in social life.