Effect of remedial education on mathematical performance of secondary school students

Show simple item record MOCANU, Maria 2025-01-26T16:21:03Z 2025-01-26T16:21:03Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation MOCANU, Maria. Effect of remedial education on mathematical performance of secondary school students. În: Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives: Conference proceedings of the international scientific conference, 27-28 September, 2024. Chișinău: CEP UPSC, 2024, pp. 36-40. ISBN 978-9975-46-968-5. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-46-968-5
dc.description.abstract The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of remedial education on mathematics performance among secondary school students. The study was carried out on 155 secondary school students from "FLOREA JULEA" HIGH SCHOOL, NEGRILESTI, GALATI JUD., ROMANIA. A classroom intervention program was implemented in order to improve the mathematical skills of middle school students. The results of the study revealed that remedial math education can improve the academic performance of middle school students. The multiple linear regression analysis shows that remedial education contributes up to 69% to changes in achievement, thus playing a crucial role in students' math achievement. The study advises teachers to mobilize students to participate in remedial activities .A child's academic performance depends on his or her learning and conceptual understanding of mathematics during instruction. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives : Conference proceedings of the international scientific conference, 27-28 September, 2024
dc.subject Remedial education en_US
dc.subject Mathematical performance en_US
dc.subject Secondary school students en_US
dc.subject School success en_US
dc.subject Educație de recuperare en_US
dc.subject Performanță la matematică en_US
dc.subject Elevi de gimnaziu en_US
dc.subject Succes școlar en_US
dc.title Effect of remedial education on mathematical performance of secondary school students en_US
dc.title.alternative Efectul educației remediale asupra performanțelor matematice ale elevilor de gimnaziu en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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