Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives: proceedings of the international scientific conference: Recent submissions

  • SOLDATENKO, Oleksander (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The article examines the concept of inclusion in the literature, emphasizes its meaning, challenges, opportunities and the transformative impact it has on the formation of a more inclusive and empathetic society. Using ...
  • SMOLNIȚCHI, Dumitrița (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    A story, in prose or verse, which combines the documentary with the imaginary, the legend fulfills several functions in the educational process: cognitive (it transmits a range of knowledge and information), formative (it ...
  • ROȘCAN (SAVIN), Beatris-Geanina (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    Arousing interest in reading involves the responsibility of teaching cards in the instructional-educational process. Through literacy, information is made available to the child about the environment, about the life of ...
  • KUSHNIRUK, Svitlana (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The article proposes a concept for researching the conceptual and terminological system of modern pedagogy. In accordance with contemporary demands, the necessity of forming this system has been scientifically substantiated ...
  • JUDEȚ, Bogdan-Adrian (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    This work approaches the repeated discourse from two angles: theoretically and practically. I chose this subject because it is an attractive research subject, which, even though it has attracted the attention of researchers ...
  • HERȚA, Lilia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    This article explores the use of story exchanges as a pedagogical tool to amplify student voices and foster radical empathy in educational settings. By engaging students in sharing and retelling personal narratives, story ...
  • GOLUBOVSCHI, Oxana (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    To better understand how interactive techniques can improve language acquisition, this article focuses on communicative and task-based learning approaches. It emphasises the necessity of moving away from classic teacher-centred ...
  • GOLUBIȚCHI, Silvia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The professional culture of a teacher integrates pedagogical expertise, subject knowledge, but also skills such as communication, empathy and adaptability to the needs of students and the educational community. The postmodern ...
  • ECKHART, Robert (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    What does the school of the future look like? If you’re asking that question, you’ve framed the issue incorrectly already. Maybe the school of the future isn’t a school at all. A better question would be, what does education ...
  • DELIU, Aliona (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    In the primary grades, narrative texts are the easiest and most engaging literary texts. They present the following features: they develop a narrative thread with events and actions; includes characters, who interact and ...
  • DANU-STRAISTARI, Elena; STRĂJESCU, Natalia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    This article refers to the discourse of xenophobe, xenophile, xenomania present in literary works, which facilitates the stabilization of the identity of the literary character, of the image of the Other, an important ...
  • CRIVOI, Georgeta (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    Conceptual approaches to writing competence represent a variety of complex theoretical perspectives and paradigms that analyze and develop an individual's understanding and ability to write in a sophisticated and effective ...
  • CORJIȚA, Natalia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    In the given article I analyzed and valorized the type of the modern woman in Romanian literature, because in a constantly evolving literary world, strong female characters have begun to take a central role. The role of ...
  • CORGHENCEA, Nina (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The written message is of particular importance in primary grades, influencing both the intellectual and personal development of students. Students express their thoughts and emotions clearly and structured. Through writing ...
  • COMORAȘU, Aura (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    It is known that the process of teaching the Romanian language in school, in secondary education, helps to form an ability to select great values, contributing to the development of creativity, the spirit of observation, ...
  • BOZ, Olga (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The merit of this article lies in problematizing and highlighting the importance of preserving academic traditions and values in the age of digitization. The current context requires a rethinking and a reset of the approach ...
  • APOPEI, Alla (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The poetic interferences of Nicolae Dabija with Nichita Stănescu are evident in many poems of the leader for „third eye” generation, which I analyze in this study using the comparative method of some well-known poetic ...
  • ABUZAN, Aliona (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    Text reception is the process by which the reader interacts with a written message, with the aim of understanding and interpreting it. Three levels of receiving a text can be identified, which can be successfully applied ...
  • STROESCU, Daniela-Iulia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    This article presents some important characteristic aspects of autism spectrum disorders and ways of speech therapy rehabilitation. It raises the alarm about the need to initiate speech therapy as early as possible, ...
  • SCUTARU, Albina; ANTOCI, Diana (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The present article theoretically approaches the concept of action research through the prism of the opinions of native and foreign researchers and reviews the current meanings of the given notion, the perspectives of ...

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