Browsing Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives: proceedings of the international scientific conference by Title

Browsing Higher education: traditions, values, perspectives: proceedings of the international scientific conference by Title

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  • DIȚA, Maria; CAPBĂTUT, Daniela (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    Aberrant behaviour, defined as activities that deviate from societal or psychological norms, is impacted by a complex interaction of biological, environmental, psychological, and sociocultural influences rather than just ...
  • STRATAN, Natalia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    In the following notes we will refer to various grammatical classes represented by the word and. So, the word and can express in the Romanian language, several morphological classes, with and without syntactic function. ...
  • KREMINSKYI, Borys; MYSTIUK, Svitlana; VERNYDUB, Oksana (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The article is devoted to consideration of the analysis, generalization and description of how, using an activity approach, it is necessary to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of training on a scientific basis. It ...
  • HERȚA, Lilia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    This article explores the use of story exchanges as a pedagogical tool to amplify student voices and foster radical empathy in educational settings. By engaging students in sharing and retelling personal narratives, story ...
  • CHIRIAC, Ghenadie; CAZACIOC, Nadejda; ANTOCI, Daniel; COROPCEANU, Eduard (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The study evaluated the quality of groundwater in the Căușeni district, Republic of Moldova, as part of the project Ensuring the Quality of Groundwater and Public Health, funded by the National Environmental Fund and ...
  • ECKHART, Robert (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    What does the school of the future look like? If you’re asking that question, you’ve framed the issue incorrectly already. Maybe the school of the future isn’t a school at all. A better question would be, what does education ...
  • GUO, Binghua (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The paper explores the axiological dimensions of language studying, focusing on how values, convictions, and ethical considerations influence both language learning and teaching. Axiology, as the philosophical study of ...
  • ANTOCI, Diana (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The content of the paper explores the role of fundamental values in the process of integrating refugees into host societies through education. In the context of globalization and increasingly accentuated migratory flows, ...
  • CORGHENCEA, Nina (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The written message is of particular importance in primary grades, influencing both the intellectual and personal development of students. Students express their thoughts and emotions clearly and structured. Through writing ...
  • OLĂRESCU, Valentina (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The article represents a theoretical sequence, combined with some practical examples from speech therapy rhythmics. Speech therapy rhythmicity is a component of speech therapy, the science whose object of study is language ...
  • KUSHNIRUK, Svitlana (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The article proposes a concept for researching the conceptual and terminological system of modern pedagogy. In accordance with contemporary demands, the necessity of forming this system has been scientifically substantiated ...
  • CRIVOI, Georgeta (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    Conceptual approaches to writing competence represent a variety of complex theoretical perspectives and paradigms that analyze and develop an individual's understanding and ability to write in a sophisticated and effective ...
  • KARLSEN, Anita (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The paper presents a laboratory experiment carried out with students, which has been cosidered inexpensive and with increased visual impact. The goal was to determine the activation energy of the faze separation process ...
  • TARNA, Ecaterina (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    This article contains general ideas about the issue of developing the capacity for attitudinal self-analysis from the perspective of preventing sociocultural non-integration. To be socioculturally integrated, refugees must ...
  • ARSENE, Ion; PURCEL, Viorica; CERNEAVSCAIA, Iana (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    This paper presents the various geometric conformations of ascorbic acid (Asc) and analyzes the stability of these conformations depending on the solvent used. Studies have shown that all possible conformations of ascorbic ...
  • GLOBA, Angela (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    A problem for a computer science olympiad has a long history and continues to be relevant for many generations of children interested in computer science. This article examines the didactic aspects of creating a competition ...
  • MOCANU, Maria (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of remedial education on mathematics performance among secondary school students. The study was carried out on 155 secondary school students from "FLOREA JULEA" ...
  • SOROCEANU, Igor (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The attitude of the people towards power and the course promoted by it certainly represents the democratic aspect of the country, being at the same time essential and basic for what is formed in a state. If we were to refer ...
  • MIHĂILESCU, Natalia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    A person's relationship with the world around him is not only understood and manifested in actions, but is also experienced in the form of emotions. Emotions are one form of reflection of the real world by consciousness. ...
  • ȘCHIOPU, Lucia (Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
    The well-being of teaching staff is assessed through four objective dimensions: job activity, relational aspects, socioeconomic aspects, and infrastructural aspects. Job activity includes the volume and complexity of tasks, ...

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