In a world that stands under the sign of multi- and inter-, education cannot remain closed in the pattern of a mono-type logic. By adequately valuing cultural diversity and being aware of the impact of the cultural context on the development of the child's personality, any educator must adopt an inter-type logic, promoting the principles of intercultural education and designing educational practices intended at the same time for all students and each student. The intercultural concept is used in a descriptive sense, when highlighting the inevitable character of contacts between people belonging to different ethnocultural groups and the interferences associated with interactions between groups, respectively acculturation phenomena. Also, intercultural is used in a descriptive sense in phrases such as: intercultural communication, intercultural dialogue, intercultural conflict. The normative meaning of the term intercultural appears in phrases such as: intercultural approach or intercultural perspective, but also in intercultural society. This means, in fact, promoting a certain vision of society and relations between groups that assert themselves with specific ethnocultural identities.