The political exile problem may cross paths or not with the plural identity of some Romanian writers who decided once to live in another country and write in another language. This article falls under this thematic illustrating the return of the American writer Andrei Codrescu to his first language, found again after an enriched experience as a writer in another language; perceived as fresh and expressive. Compared to other Romanian writers going through a de familiarization process, Andrei Codrescu on the other hand has the revelation of the freshness of Romanian language, the language he used to write in his youth, the language that he rediscovers in the last years from the perspective of an American writer. In two cases, Întoarcerea huliganului by Norman Manea and Metroul F by Andrei Codrescu, the literary result is exceptional. Two event-volumes for the Romanian literature and language that they willingly chose to come back to. Two American writers coming back to the Romanian language, one of them writing an autofictional novel, and a poetry volume, the other one, both creating permeable borders in every direction of their own writing.