This article examines the use of audiovisual media (films, series, short films, etc.) for the acquisition of non-standard French. At present, colloquial and oral French are given a marginal place in FLE teaching, in favour of standard or even formal French. This raises the question of the purpose of such teaching since it does not enable learners to adapt when interacting with native French speakers. In fact, the French used by the latter is often at odds with that taught in class in that it does not always abide by the rules of grammar and syntax or by the codes of written French and is not always restricted to a single register. In this article, we first look at the necessity of teaching informal French to enable learners to adapt to different situations of communication. We then focus on the content to be taught in relation to the specific features of audiovisual media. Finally, we suggest ways of integrating linguistic variation into the teaching of French as a foreign language.