The Progress und the changes in the scientific environment have influenced the development of the role of university libraries. They adapted the list of services in accordance with the new requirements, diversified the subjects of the educational offers, and created open informational infrastructures. The results of this study demonstrated that the Scientific Medical Library occupies an essential niche in the open scientific ecosystem and contributes directly to the strengthening of research an innovation at the Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Die MSL contributes to the creation of values of the information resources by providing and using OA-tools and OA-resources effectively by serving users, promoting institutional research and contributing to the formation of the university scientific community regarding Open Science. The university librarian has the role of a vector in the constantly changing information universe, he has become and information advisor for researchers, helping them integrate into the world of science, creates metadata and develops repositories for archiving scientific research results and research data, identifies the most rated journals for the publication of scientific results as well as those with a pseudoscientific character. The librarians create integrated information platforms, bibliometrically analyzes of scientific documents, identify the presence of the institution and the collaborators of Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh in international databases, deliver bibliometric indicators so that its status is recognized both the medical scientific community and the international one.