Open (unrestricted) Access, Open Access (OA), constitutes a new paradigm and a movement in the preservation, dissemination and popularization of science. The reading of scientific texts in free access leads to the efficiency of documentation, the urgency of some analytical-synthetic processes in the academic field, the reduction of their costs and time terms. From the perspective of the popularization of science, open access facilitates the (self) training of the general public, the continuous formation of the community, stimulating private (horizontal) initiatives in the field of scientific research. Open and fast access cancels spatial and temporal boundaries, cultivating a culture of Open Science, while also announcing neo-enlightenment values in the given field: enlightening the masses, public orientation. The user of information services from the beneficiary often becomes the provider of such services. Freedom also generates freedom in science. All this stimulates scientific and social progress, community and individual efficiency. Openness also perpetuates openness in the area of knowledge and research. Certainly, all these aspects need to be strengthened by legislation, institutional axiology and professional deontology.