Ţara Moldovei în contextul confruntării politico-diplomatice polono-otomane în timpul primei domnii a lui Radu Mihnea (1616-1619)

Show simple item record CONSTANTINOV, Valentin 2024-11-29T04:18:51Z 2024-11-29T04:18:51Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation CONSTANTINOV, Valentin. Ţara Moldovei în contextul confruntării politico-diplomatice polono-otomane în timpul primei domnii a lui Radu Mihnea (1616-1619). În: Știinţă și educaţie: noi abordări și perspective. Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale, 21-22 martie 2024. Seria XXVI. Volumul 3. Științe umaniste. Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chișinău. Chișinău: CEP UPSC, 2024, pp. 154-159. ISBN 978-9975-46-943-2. ISBN 978-9975-46-946-3 (Vol. 3). en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-46-943-2
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-46-946-3
dc.description.abstract The ascension of Radu Mihnea to the seat of Moldavia in 1616 was a great novelty in the Romanian political life of that period. For the first time, a ruler from one Romanian country was moving to another. Although there were cases until that time when representatives of the dynasty from Moldova and Wallachia ruled in other countries, what happened then in 1616 opened a new page in Romanian history. A precedent was created from that moment to establish a new vector in the evolution of the international political situation of Moldova and Valahia. Several items were for the first time. The dethronement of the family of Ieremia Movila, and the appointment of the ruler of Valahia to the seat of Moldova was just a simple formula that would be applied in the future. Poland and the Ottoman Empire monopolized Moldova and will discuss its future within the framework of Polish-Ottoman relations. Our rulers try to find a balance in this policy. Attempts that sometimes succeeded and sometimes less so. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă” en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Ştiință și educație: noi abordări și perspective: Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale, Seria 26, 21-22 martie 2024. Vol. 3 : Ştiinţe umaniste;
dc.subject Moldova en_US
dc.subject Imperiul Otoman en_US
dc.subject Ottoman Empire en_US
dc.subject Poland en_US
dc.subject Radu Mihnea en_US
dc.title Ţara Moldovei în contextul confruntării politico-diplomatice polono-otomane în timpul primei domnii a lui Radu Mihnea (1616-1619) en_US
dc.title.alternative The Country of Moldova in the context of the polish-ottoman political-diplomatic confrontation during the first reign of Radu Mihnea (1616-1619) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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