It is difficult to estimate the role of construction problems in the intellectual education ofstudents. Construction problems can contribute tostudents' correct intuition of the way of the appearanceand evolution of the given object, their ability to model themselves, which substantially contributes tothe development of students' spatial thinking, develops logical thinking and geometric intuition. Theplan for solving a construction problem is a chain of logical steps: analysis, construction, research,demonstration-nothing more than an algorithm. The mathematics teacher in the process of solvingconstruction problems can quite effectively form elements of algorithmic culture by systematicallyasking students to strictly follow all the steps-all the basic constructions necessary for solving the givenproblem. Construction problems develop in students the skills of research and solving practical didactictasks, attach them to independent research work according to their strengths and according to theirknowledge in a continuously ascending hierarchy in accordance with the educational stage at the giventime, which is very important in the workof forming a culture of intellectual work.