The dialectical movement of the innovative circuit spirals between stagnation and upward progression. In the contemporary age – the context of rapid scientific and technological progress, being still is equivalent to taking a few steps back. Moreover, stagnation is part of the internal truth of the thing, becoming a key moment of innovation itself. Theater (in its multiple original manifestations, such as improvisation, forum theater, social theater, shadow theater, legislative, sociodrama, living library, labyrinth theater, origami theater, physical theater) can diminish stagnation and perceive it as an empty expanse, always using it as a starting point. This article will mention how theater manifests itself in a multiplicity of forms that offer models of solutions to social challenges (such as stereotypes, schemes of a fixed thought, in which people from different social groups - different from our group - are put in a box and given masked individuality), cultural (such as locking art into cliché forms and images or reiterating themes without bringing them to have any impact on the audience, as well as the constant effort to maintain an appropriate balance between form and substance.), and educational (keeping attention and interest alive, learning through experience and application, developing personality and critical thinking).