The LOGOPEDIX educational software is a professional software dedicated to specialists in the therapy of language disorders. The program has a significant degree of interactivity and language training, taking into account the linguistic specificity of the Romanian language and is intended to correct some categories of language disorders frequently found in children: delay in language development, dyslalia, dyslexia. Computer-assisted logo-therapeutic intervention, through the attractive interface for children, maintains active attention, offers faster access to exercises, minimizes various disruptive influences (disinterest, fatigue, boredom etc.). By using LOGOPEDIX, children with language disorders have access to a multitude of exercise sets, but the role of the specialist is not diminished, as the supervision of the correct pronunciation of the phonemes remains the task of the speech therapist. LOGOPEDIX cannot represent a substitute for the specialist speech therapist, but as a mediating tool in speech therapy, it fulfills an important role from the perspective of relieving the speech therapist and the child with language disorders of a series of routine activities, with repetitive tasks, which risk acquiring a character unattractive and unmotivating, according to the progress in the therapeutic intervention.