The professional activity of social assistant is associated with less comfortable working conditions and can lead to a decrease in personal and professional fulfillment. Most often, psychoemotional problems are interconnected with workload, professional ethical dilemmas, organizational variables and decreased occupational prestige. The application of limited resources in doing everything possible to recover the beneficiary's problems ends with the subjective and incomplete assessment of the results of the intervention, being outlined over time. Social workers, being in the area of risk, more often collide with the phenomena of professional deformation and emotional burnout syndrome. The study of the manifestation characteristics, causes and consequences of the burnout syndrome in social workers allows an objective assessment of the current situation, specific to activities in the field of social services. Summarizing the results of the empirical phase of the study we can highlight some external and internal factors that contribute to the formation of the premises for the development of emotional exhaustion syndrome among social workers. Also, length of employment and marital status characteristics did not become significant in our study.