This article brings to the fore the need to approach current education from the perspective of cultural diversity, taking into account its religious-moral dimension. It can be seen that the religiousmoral dimension of education leads to the acceptance of cultural diversity, as a norm of conduct, this being the ideal towards which any society tends, at all times. All the more the reference is made to the approach to diversity with flexibility and tolerance in the last 30 years, from the perspective of sociocultural, linguistic, psychological or physical differences between students. The school, as an educational and cultural institution, aims to offer equal opportunities to everyone, the opportunity to learn at their own pace and adapted expression of individual personality traits. From a global perspective, cultural diversity implies the application of the principle of normalization. This ensures the access of all people to current living conditions, regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, culture, social group, etc. Each student, as a partner in the act of teaching-learning-evaluation, comes with his own experience, has his own personality, which we find in collaborative relationships, learning style, interest in existential issues and, necessarily, in the cultural context to which he belongs.