The formation of musical creativity in the primary cycle aims at both composition and improvisation. But
creativity does not appear spontaneously, it is cultivated through sustained work. A sequence of creative situations
can favor the operation and application of assimilated knowledge in new contexts. In teaching-learning, the teacher
must use active forms of learning, and among them we can include heuristic learning, learning based onThe formation of musical creativity in the primary cycle aims at both composition and improvisation. But creativity does not appear spontaneously, it is cultivated through sustained work. A sequence of creative situations can favor the operation and application of assimilated knowledge in new contexts. In teaching-learning, the teacher must use active forms of learning, and among them we can include heuristic learning, learning based on solving problems, playing music. The adjustment, revision of the creative process is continuous and can be optimized through stimulating activities carried out with groups of students from the early grades. solving
problems, playing music. The adjustment, revision of the creative process is continuous and can be optimized
through stimulating activities carried out with groups of students from the early grades.
Formarea creativității muzicale la ciclul primar vizează atât compoziţia, cât şi improvizaţia. Dar creativitatea nu apare spontan, ea se cultivă printr-o muncă susținută. O succesiune de situaţii creatoare poate favoriza operarea și aplicarea cunoștințelor asimilate, în contexte noi. În predare-învățare cadrul didactic trebuie să utilizeze forme active de învățare, iar printre acestea putem include învățarea euristică, învățarea bazată pe rezolvarea de probleme, jocul muzical. Ajustarea, revizuirea procesului creator este continuă și poate fi optimizată prin activități stimulatoare desfășurate cu colectivele de elevi încă de la clasele mici.