During the fifty years of the communist regime, the population of Romania had to comply with a multitude of rules imposed by the Romanian Communist Party in the private life sector, aiming in this direction to create a new society in which socialist principles are well preserved and promoted. Like society as a whole, the family was an institution that the communist state tried to keep under control through a series of legislative and political measures. In this sense, the communist state intervened many times in establishing the fertile behavior of the population, introducing laws, which were intended to ensure a satisfactory demographic growth. Thus, the interference of the communist state spread to the most intimate areas of the family, "making order even in its bedding" [8, p. 209]. The purpose of this article is to highlight the fact that during the communist regime, the Romanian family underwent a series of functional and structural changes influenced by social dynamics. In the preparation of this article, I used qualitative research methods, referring to the analysis ofscientific works and the legislation regarding the family during the period under analysis.