The researchers have attempted to identify child developmental correlates of general, cross-situational variations in general approach to parenting, often referred to as parenting styles or dimensions. Baumrind identified three parenting styles associated with these three patterns of child behavior. The three parenting styles, as Maccoby and Martin later argued, corresponded to high and low values on the dimensions of responsiveness (warmth) and demandingness (control). These four styles are: -The authoritative or demanding style (characterized by high levels of both responsiveness and demandingness) has been associated with assertive, independent child behavior; - Authoritarian style (low receptivity and high demandingness) was associated with dissatisfied, withdrawn behavior; -The permissive style (characterized by high receptivity and low demandingness) was associated with a child's behavior characterized by low self-control and low self-confidence; -The uninvolved style (a style very similar to the reject-neglect style).