Infracțiuni contra proprietății între lege și fărădelege (Țara Moldovei și Țara Românească în sec. XVII)

Show simple item record CHICU-DIMITRIU, Silvia 2017-05-25T08:16:39Z 2017-05-25T08:16:39Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation CHICU-DIMITRIU, Silvia. Infracțiuni contra proprietății între lege și fărădelege (Țara Moldovei și Țara Românească în sec. XVII). In: Probleme ale ştiinţelor socioumanistice şi modernizării învăţământului: materialele conf. şt. anuale a profesorilor şi cercetătorilor UPS „Ion Creangă”. Univ. Ped. de Stat „Ion Creangă”; coord. şt. Ig. RACU, col. red. C. PERJAN, G. TOPOR, A. SOLCAN [et al.]: [in 2 vol.]. Chişinău: S. n., 2014 (Tipogr. UPS „Ion Creangă”), vol. 2, p. 89-101. Bibliogr.- 86 titl. en_US
dc.description.abstract Whether it is small or of big dimensions, whether realized through ingenious resources or at the limit of violence- burglary has deep growing roots in the Romanian territory. This article refers to the thieves’ most desired and most frequently stolen objects, as well as the punishments inflicted on them. The article’s other objective is to discover the cause which made Romanians steal. During the medieval period people were robbed of all kinds of properties either movable or immovable: public and personal money; ecclesiastic objects, books; cattle; hives; tools; clothes etc. Moreover, toll non-payment, fishing on others’ properties, the deviation of water course, the change of hives borders and the appropriation of goods found in the road were also qualified as thefts. To sum up, we can conclude that the burglary in Middle Ages represented “the infraction versus personal property whereby a movable or immovable good was taken or battered, without the agreement of the owner, towards appropriating unfairly or damaging it”. In current jurisprudence this definition bares a similar meaning, but it is also divided in several categories: theft, robbery and hooliganism. The orientation to burglary of the people of the Middle Ages can be explained by a list of different reasons: poverty, kleptomania, envy and grudge. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.subject Istorie en_US
dc.subject Ţara Moldovei en_US
dc.subject Ţara Românească en_US
dc.subject istorie--Tara Moldovei--legislatie en_US
dc.title Infracțiuni contra proprietății între lege și fărădelege (Țara Moldovei și Țara Românească în sec. XVII) en_US
dc.type Materialele Conferintei en_US

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