Bank lending represents the basic form of lending activity in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the core of the national lending system. He has the important function of contributing to the normal functioning of the financial system and contributing to the economic development of the country. The basic purpose of the conducted research was to determine the basic trends of the evolution of bank lending in the Republic of Moldova, as well as to highlight its qualitative transformation. For this, the official financial reports in the addressed field were examined, as well as the related information published in open sources of information. The carried out research demonstrated a certain continuous expansion of the lending activity of local banks. In the same way, during the last years there has been a certain qualitative transformation of it through the exploration of separate segments and niches of the market, the application of advanced digital technologies, as well as the continuous adaptation to the mobile conditions of the domestic financial market. The top commercial banks can be considered as the main promoters of the development of bank lending. The over-liquidity and pandemic crises, as well as the anti-crisis measures undertaken by the authorized public institutions, are the stimulating factors of the innovative process on the bank credit market.