The purpose of this article is to explore the role which computers can play in the assessment process and to submit the main features of e-test development in Adobe Captivate. Computer assisted assessment (CAA) is a broad term which describes the application of computer technologies to the assessment process. In the case of CAA potential benefits are available to both parties: the teacher is free from manual marking, the student gets an instant and objective score with specific feedback. An assessment may be repeated several times, each time presenting different variations of the same question content. The choice and range of CAA software is increasing, so it is important to determine the desirable features to meet your needs.
Aplicaţia Adobe Captivate, fiind un instrument puternic în proiectarea şi elaborarea de conţinut educaţional, poate fi utilizată cu succes în domeniul de evaluare asistată de calculator. Produsele finale pot conţine material diversificat şi îmbogăţit cu imagini, multimedia, interactivitate, scenarii de ramificare fără a fi nevoie de programare.