Soil erosion through water flow is considered one of the greatest threats for soil resources. According to the national Land Cadastre, more than 20% of the agricultural land is af ected by erosion. In the Republicof Moldova, in 2017, approximately 26% of the country's territory was af ected by erosion. Based on the measurementsof the lakes parameters and other terrain parameters, the degree of lake siltation and the annual erosion speed, inthereceiving basins of Ulmu and Costești lakes, were estimated as 0.12 and respectively 0.17 mm per year. The estimationsbased on the analysis of changes in the total water volume of the lakes, over the exploitation period of more than50years, allowed to determine the siltation weight of Costești lake, which in 2015 was approximately at 63%. Duringtheexploitation period, in Lake Costești a volume of about 41000 m3 of sediments was accumulated, while in Ulmulake-9000 m3.