This research is devoted to the actual problem of the developmental and psychology – the self-consciousness genesis of children aged 1–18.These children are educated in different social conditions. In this research work are shown: dynamics of the self-consciousness at different developmental stages of a child, the situations, factors, contents, possibilities, mechanisms, the natural laws of development and the differences determined by the Social Situation of Development (SSD). The determinations factor of self-consciousness development at the different ontogenesis stages is the communicative experience with adults. In the favorable social conditions the forming of self-consciousness in the elementary forms appears by the age of 2. At the same time the children from orphanages are 9-12 months behind. The structures which form the self-consciousness go through 4 main quality stages in their development. The identification and the complex studying of the developmental peculiarities, architectonics of the forming system, dynamics of self-consciousness development made possible to ground and work out the contents, progressive methods of the acceleration of the self-consciousness development process. The compensation process of the given defections in the development self-consciousness is most effective at the age of 2. The developmental influence of these conditions comes down with age.
În acest articol sunt expuse rezultatele unor studii teoretico-experimentale privind dezvoltarea conștiinței de sine la diferite etape de vârstă. Este prezentată dinamica, legitățile, factorii, aspectul cantitativ și calitativ în dezvoltarea conștiinței de sine în ontogeneză în aspect comparativ, în dependență de mediul social de dezvoltare al copiilor. Este demonstrat rolul de bază al activității de comunicare în dezvoltarea conștiinței de sine pe parcursul copilăriei, preadolescenței și adolescenței. Sunt identificate etapele inițiale de apariție și dezvoltare a conștiinței de sine și posibilitățile de dezvoltare a acestei structuri în condiții experimentale special organizate.