Muzeul satului – punte de legătură între generaţii

Show simple item record ROTARI, Margarita 2022-07-08T07:09:28Z 2022-07-08T07:09:28Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation ROTARI, Margarita. Muzeul satului – punte de legătură între generaţii. În : Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare și valorificare : culegere de studii. UPS "Ion Creangă", Chişinău. Chişinău : Garomont Studio, 2018, pp. 363-369. ISBN 978-9975-136-87-7. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-136-87-7
dc.description.abstract The present research addresses the possibilities of correlation between the curricular contents and the methods used in the didactic process with the social reality, the daily experience and the pupils' living environment, these being placed as intermediaries between the generations of yesterday and tomorrow. An active learning laboratory, besides the history class room, is the museum of the village. Village Museum influences motivation for learning because students apply what they have learned in real life situations, in activities where they have diverse responsibilities, at the same time interacting and relating with people in the community. Learning becomes an active and not passive process; students learn better when they are directly involved in solving tasks that make sense to them and those around them; learn directly from people and identify their own problems, learn with them. This is the main objective of learning - integration within communities where their inhabitants are good citizens with productive social roles; On the other hand, the community gives the school a key role in promoting and researching local history, which it can only fulfill if it comes out of the characteristic institutional isolation and accepts the challenges of local collaboration and partnerships with other institutions, categories of people, interest groups. The adaptation of the school curriculum to the local context responds to the requirements of a reality characterized by: permanent and rapid changes, sometimes influenced politically, the multiplication and diversification of information, the enrichment and the continuous modification of the cognitive domain. The school, the teacher, the community are meant to ensure, through an adequate educational offer, the development of the pupil's intellectual potential and the possibility of exercising the competences acquired within the didactic activities. Forming specific competences through historical education, pupils are already becoming a part of real life, in the unitary reality in motion, in the society that must be regarded as a whole. Each student turns into an active and competent member of the community, in a responsible person who performs multiple social roles in a successful way. The purpose of teaching history is realized through the knowledge of the past, as well as the orientation of the students in the current problems of society, by revealing the deep links between past and present. This is possible if pupils learn to know the development of society. The village museum offers original data from archeology, monuments, local history, oral history. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" en_US
dc.subject Local history en_US
dc.subject Oral history en_US
dc.subject Village museum en_US
dc.title Muzeul satului – punte de legătură între generaţii en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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  • Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare și valorificare : culegere de studii
    Prezenta lucrare cuprinde comunicările prezentate de participanţii la Conferinţa ştiinţifică naţională cu participare internaţională Patrimoniul cultural naţional şi universal: dialog istoric, Ediţia a II-a, ce a avut loc la Chişinău la 27-28 aprilie 2018, organizată în cadrul proiectului ştiinţific instituţional Patrimoniul cultural naţional şi universal în sistemul educaţional.

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