Aportul instituţiilor publice la valorificarea patrimoniului cultural mobil şi imobil din Basarabia (1918-1940)

Show simple item record ŞEVCIUC, Maria 2022-07-06T08:34:36Z 2022-07-06T08:34:36Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation ŞEVCIUC, Maria. Aportul instituţiilor publice la valorificarea patrimoniului cultural mobil şi imobil din Basarabia (1918-1940). În : Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare și valorificare : culegere de studii. UPS "Ion Creangă", Chişinău. Chişinău : Garomont Studio, 2018, pp. 111-116. ISBN 978-9975-136-87-7. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-136-87-7
dc.description.abstract During 1918-1940, in Bessarabia, the public institutions, existing and newly created, promoted a policy of integrating Bessarabia culture into the Romanian one. Their work had a strong impact on the population of Bessarabia, contributing to the enlightenment and reanimation of the Romanian spirit on this territory. The protection of historical monuments, boyars‟ mansions and religious buildings of great historical and artistic value from Bessarabia, was a matter of great need for both the Russian Empire in 1812-1918 as the Romanian State during 1918-1944. For this purpose, the cultural institutions were oriented to highlight the historical and cultural relics that have been preserved on the territory between the Prut and Nistru, regardless of the weather. In Bessarabia there were several cultural institutions, which enjoyed a wide influence among citizens. These include the Society of Fine Arts, cultural centers, libraries, the Central Library, the `Bessarabia Life` magazine, churches and monasteries, the Archdiocese and then Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia, workshops cutlery, societies, fraternities, museums church and monastery, the National Museum of Natural History, the Historical Monuments Commission, the Archives of the Bessarabia Governor, the Historical - Archaeological Society Church of Bessarabia etc. In Bessarabia the protection of historical monuments, boyars‟ mansions and religious buildings of great historical and artistic value is a matter of great need in the first decades of the nineteenth century, governed by the Russian Empire law (1812-1918) and Romania (1918-1944). The Great Union has opened new horizons and spiritual life, with an unprecedented development in the interwar period. The cultural unity existed long ago in the the Romanian territory, which did not exclude some features from one province to another, from one area to another, features that did not alter its basic unity. The cultural factor has acquired special sizes within the state policy. Many prominent intellectuals held high positions as most politicians had a serious training in various specialties of science and culture. Beyond searches, accomplishments and failures, leading cultural exponents played an active role, much greater than before, in the life of the state, and the state, through its various levers, supported material and moral the scientific, technical, and artistic creation. It came after 1918 in a new stage, where the original research takes on a special scale with the results of national and universal value. We are seeing a modernization of teaching and research in close connection with the scientific world from abroad. Significant scientific schools, artistic literary currents have been formed alongside some departments, laboratories, institutes, resorts, circles, prestigious journals in different areas of the country, headed by the great men of culture and art pioneers in areas of the greatest importance. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" en_US
dc.subject Cultural heritage en_US
dc.subject Religious heritage en_US
dc.subject Library en_US
dc.subject Archive en_US
dc.subject The interwar period en_US
dc.subject Public institutions en_US
dc.title Aportul instituţiilor publice la valorificarea patrimoniului cultural mobil şi imobil din Basarabia (1918-1940) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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  • Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare și valorificare : culegere de studii
    Prezenta lucrare cuprinde comunicările prezentate de participanţii la Conferinţa ştiinţifică naţională cu participare internaţională Patrimoniul cultural naţional şi universal: dialog istoric, Ediţia a II-a, ce a avut loc la Chişinău la 27-28 aprilie 2018, organizată în cadrul proiectului ştiinţific instituţional Patrimoniul cultural naţional şi universal în sistemul educaţional.

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