Отражение этнической принадлежности и происхождения коренного населения Бессарабии в источниках Российской Империи (XIX – начало ХХ вв.)

Show simple item record ДОЛГИЙ, Адриан ФЕЛЯ, Алина 2022-07-06T07:38:32Z 2022-07-06T07:38:32Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation ДОЛГИЙ, Адриан, ФЕЛЯ, Алина. Отражение этнической принадлежности и происхождения коренного населения Бессарабии в источниках Российской Империи (XIX – начало ХХ вв.). În : Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare și valorificare : culegere de studii. UPS "Ion Creangă", Chişinău. Chişinău : Garomont Studio, 2018, pp. 22-46. ISBN 978-9975-136-87-7. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-136-87-7
dc.description.abstract In this article the authors will present sources from the Russian Empire, edited in the years 1812-1917, accessible to this stage, from the perspective of addressing the origin and the ethnicity membership of the majority of population in Bessarabia in order to identify both the opinion of the Czarist authorities and the authors of the studies – representa tives of the Russian society, as well as the subjects of the research of these studies from which the data were actually collected.. At the same time, we will show that the authors of the analyzed sources, personalities with studies, knew and acknowledged that the majority of population from Bessarabia, called by them Moldavians (Romanians), Vlachs / Volohi, belonged to the Romanian people, and also knowing their Daco-Roman origin. The analyzed sources were classified in: a) Historical-ethnographic research. Encyclopedic studies; Manuals / grammar; b) Travel memoirs and journals; c) Statistical reports and censuses, which are presented in the order of elaboration and editing. The actuality of the problem proposed in this study is determined by the perpetuation of both the identity of the nation of titles in the historiography of the Republic of Moldova and of the whole society, as well as a series of myths established in the Soviet Union as instruments of national construction and manipulation of public opinion, myths and theses that persist to date. en_US
dc.language.iso ru en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" en_US
dc.subject Bessarabia en_US
dc.subject Russian Empire en_US
dc.subject Romanians en_US
dc.subject Moldavians en_US
dc.subject Historiography en_US
dc.title Отражение этнической принадлежности и происхождения коренного населения Бессарабии в источниках Российской Империи (XIX – начало ХХ вв.) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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  • Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare și valorificare : culegere de studii
    Prezenta lucrare cuprinde comunicările prezentate de participanţii la Conferinţa ştiinţifică naţională cu participare internaţională Patrimoniul cultural naţional şi universal: dialog istoric, Ediţia a II-a, ce a avut loc la Chişinău la 27-28 aprilie 2018, organizată în cadrul proiectului ştiinţific instituţional Patrimoniul cultural naţional şi universal în sistemul educaţional.

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