As a result the development of curricular policies in the republic of Moldova,
in 2018 the discipline Civic education, which was part of the educational
process in pre-university education in cl. V-XII, was reconceptualized and
renamed Education for Society, based on the Council of Europe Charter on
Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education.
The disciplinary curriculum in Education for society focuses on psycho centric approaches, which focus on the student with his particularities and
needs, his own pace of learning and development and the socio-centric
approach, focused on assuming the values of democracy, human rights, the
ride of law and cultural diversity.
Education for society is a very important field that must be achieved in the
educational institution and use the potential offered by both formal education
and informal and non-formal education. The acquisition of skills for life
society is a dynamic process, because people are constantly experiencing new
and different contexts, analyzing and planning others. But, the actions of the
school are to be supported by the other educational factors: family, media,
public association, political parties, national, ethnic and local community.
Only in this case will the efforts of educational institutions be effective in
shaping the environment conducive to education for independent living in a
democratic society.