Politica lingvistică în RASSM (1924-1940): tentative de instituţionalizare a unei ,,limbi moldoveneşti”

Show simple item record BURLACU, Valentin 2022-06-23T09:31:16Z 2022-06-23T09:31:16Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation BURLACU, Valentin. Politica lingvistică în RASSM (1924-1940): tentative de instituţionalizare a unei ,,limbi moldoveneşti”. În : Educaţia în spiritul valorilor naţionale şi universale din perspectiva dialogului pedagogic : Simpozion ştiinţific internaţional, Ediţia a 2-a, 27-28 martie, 2020.Chişinău. Chisinău: UPS „Ion Creangă”, 2020, pp. 53-66. ISBN 978-9975-3452-6-2. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-3452-6-2
dc.description.abstract Sinse 1924, when the Moldavian ASSR was created, the totalitarian communist regime wanted to create by their own tipographies an image of the sovietic „Moldovian nation”, with its own teritory and state apparatus and the ruling elite. The goal proposed by them was to create from some local Transnistrian dialects a ,,true” Moldovian language with a Moldovan identity, different from the Romanian one. The political character of the action of inventing the „Moldovan language” was noticed right from the moment of its implementation, manifesting itself through controversial disputes how it should be among the party leaders. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" en_US
dc.subject Dialect en_US
dc.subject Disputes en_US
dc.subject Moldovan nation en_US
dc.subject Identity en_US
dc.subject Politics en_US
dc.title Politica lingvistică în RASSM (1924-1940): tentative de instituţionalizare a unei ,,limbi moldoveneşti” en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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