This article reflects Gh.Bezviconi’s publicistic work through the article in the
magazine “From Our Past”(number 11-12). Considering that this publication
has become a bibliographic rarity, and Bezviconi’s information presents both
historical interest and current interest, while the need to increasethe woman’s
role in the society becomes more and more obvious. The subject approached by
Gh. Bezviconi draws the attention to the types of women who, through treir
activity, were imposed into the social-political life from Bessarabia. The author
acquaints the reader with an impressive array of female personalities. In order to
present them, the author seeks to see how are they involved in society: in charity
activity, in literature and science, in educational system in school, in social
actions. In their description, he applies features such as:”The Woman of Society”,
„The Woman in the Work of Charity”, „The Woman in Literature and Society”,
„The Woman and the School”, „The Woman in Art”, „The Feminist Movement”.