Nowadays people constantly face difficulties at work. If the person is permanently stressed
that covers all spheres of life and activities appears irritability, aggressiveness, overwork,
insomnia and depressive thoughts. This indicates that the person is professional burn out. The
economic, technical and cultural changes of modern society require the higher faculties and social
skills of human being. Teachers spend a lot of time at workplace, being involved in many and
diverse educational activities and in relationships with other colleagues: teachers, mangers and
others. All this relationships request a big psychic, emotional and intellectual effort. At the same
time didactical activities implies also an important effort. Educational reform from Republic of
Moldova implies restructuring, changes, adjustment of teaching content, timetable, working
regime and documents. In last year’s there are a lot of changes related to place and work tasks so
that is why the teachers are more exposed to emotional and professional burning. This article
presents the results of an experimental research of professional burnout at teachers.