Personalități marcante de silvicultori basarabeni și contribuția acestora la dezvoltarea științelor silvice din România

Show simple item record BOAGHIE, Dionisie MAXIM, Vasile 2022-04-19T06:27:48Z 2022-04-19T06:27:48Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation BOAGHIE, Dionisie, MAXIM, Vasile. Personalități marcante de silvicultori basarabeni și contribuția acestora la dezvoltarea științelor silvice din România. În: Noroc, L., Ursu V., coord. Cercetarea istoriei și patrimoniului cultural local în contextul dezvoltării durabile a societății. În Honorem Nicolae Chicuș : [Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice naţionale cu participare internaţională, 24-25 septembrie 2021]. Chișinău: CEP UPS "Ion Creangă", 2021, pp. 246-253. ISBN 978-9975-46-574-8. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-46-574-8.
dc.description.abstract The Great Union of 1918 brought together in one country three large populations with the same origin, language, faith and the same customs, preserved for centuries in the Romanian villages where they lived, under three foreign empires: Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and Russian. The interwar period was characterized by the formation and development of important scientific schools, by the assertion of true Romanian scientists, not only on a national scale, but also internationally. Among them, the foresters stood out, who together with colleagues from other Romanian provinces, contributed substantially to the development of forest sciences, which were just established in Romania, to create a forestry based on the geographical and ecological specificity of forests. ¬lor. Their activity has resulted in extensive field research and in hundreds of scientific and technical publications. In this paper, only some famous names from the main fields of forestry activity are presented, in which the foresters with Bessarabian origins had significant contributions, as well as new areas of research approached by them. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" en_US
dc.subject Bessarabian foresters en_US
dc.subject Forest typology en_US
dc.subject Forest management en_US
dc.subject Forest sciences en_US
dc.subject Vegetation en_US
dc.subject Forest ecosystems en_US
dc.subject Forest cartography en_US
dc.subject Forest map en_US
dc.title Personalități marcante de silvicultori basarabeni și contribuția acestora la dezvoltarea științelor silvice din România en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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