Education triad in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Challenges and strategies

Show simple item record POPESCU, Gabriela Adriana 2021-09-21T09:13:03Z 2021-09-21T09:13:03Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation POPESCU, Gabriela Adriana. Education triad in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Challenges and strategies. In: Condiții pedagogice de optimizare a învățării în post criză pandemică prin prisma dezvoltării gândirii științifice: Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaționale, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chișinău, 22 iunie, 2021. Chişinău, 2021, pp. 295-299. ISBN 978-9975-46-541-0. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-46-541-0
dc.description Parteneriatul şcoală – familie - comunitate (SFC) este dat de relaţiile de colaborare între personalul şcolii şi familii, membrii comunităţii, organizaţii (companii, biserica, biblioteci, servicii sociale) pentru a implementa programe şi activităţi care să îi ajute pe elevi să reuşească absolvirea cu succes a studiilor. Operaţionalizarea mai clară a conceptelor de implicare şi de participare a părinţilor permite diferenţierea următoarelor aspecte: - două tipuri de implicare a părinţilor şi anume spontană (porneşte de jos în sus) versus planificată (de sus în jos); cea din urmă se referă la intervenţii sau programe construite cu scopul de a rezolva problema insuficientei participări sau absenţei părinţilor; - implicarea acasă - spre exemplu, o discuţie acasă despre activităţile de la şcoală şi implicarea la şcoală – de exemplu, participarea părinţilor în activităţile şcolii sau aspecte de organizare a activităţii şcolare:comunicarea cu şcoala, relaţia şcoală - părinţi. Încrederea este vitală pentru colaborare şi reprezintă un predictor pentru îmbunătăţirea rezultatelor şcolare. en_US
dc.description.abstract The school-family-community partnership (SFC) is given by the collaborative relationships between school staff and families, community members, organizations (companies, church, libraries, social services) to implement programs and activities to help students succeed in graduation. successful studies. The clearer operationalization of the concepts of parental involvement and participation allows the differentiation of the following aspects: - two types of parental involvement, namely spontaneous (starts from the bottom up) versus planned (from the top down); the latter refers to interventions or programs built in order to solve the problem of insufficient participation or absence of parents; - involvement at home - for example, a discussion at home about school activities and involvement in school - for example, parents' participation in school activities or aspects of organizing school activities: communication with the school, school-parent relationship. Trust is vital for collaboration and is a predictor of improving school results. In a world where the use of IT and communication technologies is a key feature, they represent the core element in education, involving changes in educational policies, both in setting goals and in developing strategies, providing resources and training specialists. One of the recommendations of the new education focuses on the organization of learning contents so they can use computer applications in learning, teaching and assessment processes. The present article "Integrating educational software in the activity of preschoolers" aims to demonstrate the need to use IT technologies by introducing educational software in the study process of children in kindergartens. The use of educational programs at kindergarten level proves to be an effective learning tool that causes significant changes in acquiring knowledge and changing attitude towards learning. Children prefer to gather knowledge through educational programs rather than through traditional methods and means, which contributes to creating a positive attitude towards learning and improving the quality of their results. At the same time, in order for new technologies to prove their effeciency, it is absolutely necessary for teachers to respect the instructional design of digital materials, the rules of didactic planning and the individual and age particularities of children. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" en_US
dc.subject Educational triad en_US
dc.subject Covid19 en_US
dc.subject Partnership en_US
dc.subject Triadă educațională en_US
dc.subject Parteneriat en_US
dc.title Education triad in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Challenges and strategies en_US
dc.title.alternative Triada educaţiei ȋn contextul pandemiei de Covid-19. Provocǎri şi strategii en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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