In the period of 22-27 April 2018, in the academic mobility, I have taught a course at the University of Timișoara in the Master’s program Curent trends in the study of Romanian language.
During my stage, I have discussed to the Dean Philological, Historical, Theological Faculty Dana Perce. Also, I talked with other professor about their scientific, cultural, teaching activity.
I have participated at the different activities, among which is Erasmus Staff Training Week, 5th edition (23rd-27th, April 2018), also I participated at the awarding the title Doctor Honoris Causa to the writer, art historic Andrei Pleșu.
It was a wonderful experience from which I found out the new and interesting things about academic mobility and about the scientific, teaching activity of the universities from around the world.
În perioada 22-27 aprilie 2018, în cadrul mobilității academice, am predat un curs la Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara (UVT), Facultatea de Litere, Istorie şi Teologie, la programul de masterat Tendințe actuale în studiul limbii romane.
În timpul aflării mele la UVT, am discutat cu decanul Facultăţii de Litere, Istorie şi Teologie, conferenţiar universitar doctor Dana Percec, cu mai mulţi profesori despre activitatea științifică și didactică universitară, am participat la mai multe evenimente ştiinţifice şi culturale, printre care Erasmus Staff Training Week, 5th edition (23rd-27th April 2018), conferirea titlului Doctor honoris causa distinsului scriitor, eseist, estetician, istoric al artei, stilist al limbii române Andrei Pleşu.