Historian Demir Dragnev, correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova since 1995, doctor habilitated in history from 1992, deputy director of the Institute of History in 1979-1991, director of the Institute of History and president of the Scientific Council in 1994– 2006, it was imposed, in the consciousness of several generations of historians through the quality of scientific research. Being one of the best connoisseurs in our country of various scientific problems concerning the 16th-19th centuries, the scientist and professor Demir Dragnev creates works of a high scientific scholarship, written on the basis of sources researched in archives from Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova. In this regard, we highlight the following specific characteristics of the works written by the scientist Demir Dragnev: the documentaly aspect and the analytical spirit, the critical approach and the conceptual novelty, the logical structure, the polemical polity with the opponents.