An active phenomenon, well established in the conscience of
the nation, Leonid Lari's poetry not only through concept and vision,
theme or motive, but also through language and formula, attitude
and gesture, through the vigor of imagination and fantasy, is a
vectorial one, appealing to the great meanings of existence and life.
Viewed from such an altitude, the poems of the author of Dulcele foc
(The Sweet Fire) appear as characters or actors. Or, since the poetic
ego declares itself to be a „sphere‖ – it sees the world multiply, but
also sees itself from the perspective of this world, the anthological
poems like Piaţa Diolei, Marele vânt (The Great Wind), Scoica
solară (The Solar Shell), Lira și păianjenul (The Lyre and the
Spider), Al nouălea val (The ninth wave) etc., as it is naturally, have
a spherical aspect or character, communicate multilaterally with
each other and communicate reciprocally, support and continue
each other so as to ensure the vectorial strategy of the general
concept. An example of this would be the volume Se duce vara vieţii
(The summer of life goes).