Rolul femeii în viața politică a Ţării Moldovei și Ţării Românești (sec. XVI-XVII)

Show simple item record CHICU, Silvia 2020-01-06T10:47:23Z 2020-01-06T10:47:23Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation CHICU, Silvia. Rolul femeii în viața politică a Ţării Moldovei și Ţării Românești (sec. XVI-XVII). In: Probleme ale ştiinţelor socioumanistice şi modernizării învăţământului: materialele conf. şt. anuale a profesorilor şi cercetătorilor UPS „Ion Creangă”. Univ. Ped. de Stat „Ion Creangă”; coord. şt. Ig. RACU, col. red. C. PERJAN [et al.]: [in vol.]. Chişinău: S. n., 2019 (Tipogr. UPS „Ion Creangă”), vol.3 (seria 21), p. 143-154. Bibliogr.- 24 titl. en_US
dc.description.abstract In this article, the author analyzes the medieval historical sources to determine the role of women in the political life of the Principality of Moldova and Wallachia in XVI-XVII centuries. Women were not allowed to exercise political power in the medieval Romanian society. However, they were often involved, sometimes contrary to their will, in solving political problems. The author concludes that, although the customary legal tradition and the Church did not allow the exercise of political power in the state, the women who were representatives of the social elite, played an important role in the political life in the Principality of Moldova and Wallachia. The visible and accepted role of the women in the Romanian medieval society was that of regent of the underage children. Likewise, women played a significant role in the achievement of the political goals of men, being forced to accept the conclusion of matrimonial alliances in order to confirm external or internal political alliances. At the same time, women - the wives of boyars - were used as means of revenge / punishment of spouses - political actors. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă” en_US
dc.subject Ţăra Moldovei--sec. XVI-XVII en_US
dc.subject Ţăra Românească--sec. XVI-XVII en_US
dc.subject Femea--viața politică--sec. XVI-XVII en_US
dc.title Rolul femeii în viața politică a Ţării Moldovei și Ţării Românești (sec. XVI-XVII) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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