Demersul psihopedagogic special asupra grupului școlar incluziv

Show simple item record LAPOȘINA, Emilia FRUNZE, Olesea 2019-12-16T17:11:24Z 2019-12-16T17:11:24Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation LAPOȘINA, Emilia, FRUNZE, Olesea. Demersul psihopedagogic special asupra grupului școlar incluziv. In: Probleme ale ştiinţelor socioumanistice şi modernizării învăţământului: materialele conf. şt. anuale a profesorilor şi cercetătorilor UPS „Ion Creangă”. Univ. Ped. de Stat „Ion Creangă”; coord. şt. Ig. RACU, col. red. A. VERDEŞ [et al.]: [in vol.]. Chişinău: S. n., 2019 (Tipogr. UPS „Ion Creangă”), vol.1 (seria 21), p. 196-206. Bibliogr.- 16 titl. en_US
dc.description.abstract In school, the child with developmental disabilities belongs to the group of weak being always sanctioned by educators and rejected by the school colleagues, as a result, they often being marginalized. Taking into account the importance of forming the cohesion of the school group, which can become an important educational factor that creates conditions for group and group education, we assume that under favorable conditions of the cohesive training school group it is possible to maintain the well-being of each member of the group non-uniform. Without the corresponding preventive work in inclusive classes conditions of the increased risk of deviation are created. For the purpose of the prevention of deviations in behavior of teenagers with a different level of development it is necessary to carry out a package of measures of the social and psychological and pedagogical character, directed on neutralization of influence of negative factors of the social environment on relationship of children. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.subject Asistenţa psihopedagogică specială în școală en_US
dc.subject Intervenția în clasa incluzivă en_US
dc.subject Formarea coeziunii grupului școlar en_US
dc.title Demersul psihopedagogic special asupra grupului școlar incluziv en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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