The „Cuvânt Moldovenesc” magazine about unification of Moldovan people from Bessarabia to come back to their homeland, Romania, has been expressed by remarkable people thronghont the hole domination of Czarist Impire. During 1917-1918, just before the fall of Russian Empire the „Cuvânt Moldovenesc” promoted again the idea of unity of Moldovan people from Bessarabia with those from Romanian Kingdom.
On January 24 th in 1918 in the backround article named „Ziua Unirii” the editor-in-chef Pan Halippa expressed in a simple mod clear way the aim: The Unification of Romania and Bessarabia. In 2018, om hundred years later after the act of „Marea Unire” the same aim expressed in „Cuvânt Moldovenesc” newspaper, last an actual eall even today.