The contemporary world became a continuous and unique challenge for education. The existence of us, individuals, as well as part of the entire society, therefore, becomes more and more alert, becomes more and more marked by the need for quick, complete and correct knowledge of the surrounding reality, so that decision-making can be made firmly, timely and competent. This leads inevitably to an increase in the amount of information to be analyzed, to the need to store and process it, and thus to the need to use the computer both in daily life and in the educational process. Digital technologies should not be a mere addition to the curriculum, they must be fully integrated "in the process of education" at all levels of education. Educational persons need to be trained to meet the changes, cope with uncertainty and challenge innovation. The increased level of complexity of the general education institutions and today's learning environment suggests the need to develop educational activities in a new way. That is why the study reflects the advantages and limits of the use of ICT resources in the teaching-learning-evaluation process and an analysis of the efficiency of the use of ICT in the educational-educational process.