CASTRAVEȚ, Tudor; MELNICENCO, Ecaterina; GRIGORAȘ, Mihail(Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2024)
Începând din 2010 Serviciul Hidrometeorologic de Stat a introdus în activitatea sa scara cu 4 culori (verde, galben, portocaliu și roșu), care reprezintă riscul gradual al fenomenelor periculoase prognozate. În acest moment, ...
BOBOC, Nicolae(Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2024)
În structura geologică a părții superioare a scoarței terestre a Podișului Moldovenesc, rocile solubile reprezentate de calcare, marne și ghipsurile meotice, sunt pe larg prezente în regiunea de NV. Grosimea mai considerabilă ...
PRUNICI, Petru; TRIFAN, Tudor(Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2024)
În articol sunt prezentate rezultatele studiului privind frecvența alunecărilor de teren din bazinul hidrografic Bâc și măsurile de stabilizare a acestora, în acord cu factorii generatori. Bazinul hidrografic Bâc este ...
STEPANENCO, Nila; CARDANET, Vladlen; VELNITA, Cornel(Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2024)
Principalul pericol seismic al regiunii Carpatice este cauzat de acțiunea regulată a focarelor de adâncime intermediară din regiunea Vrancea. Articolul examinează principalele caracteristici ale seismicității zonei focale ...
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă"(Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2024)
Modalități de optimizare a stării de bine la adulți. Dinamici psihosociale ale familiei interculturale. Abordări teoretice ale stării de bine în psihologie. Resursele interne în depășirea stresului
TARNA, Ecaterina(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
This article contains general ideas about the issue of developing the capacity for attitudinal self-analysis from the perspective of preventing sociocultural non-integration. To be socioculturally integrated, refugees must ...
GUO, Binghua(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
The paper explores the axiological dimensions of language studying, focusing on how values, convictions, and ethical considerations influence both language learning and teaching. Axiology, as the philosophical study of ...
ANTOCI, Diana(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
The content of the paper explores the role of fundamental values in the process of integrating refugees into host societies through education. In the context of globalization and increasingly accentuated migratory flows, ...
ȚÂNCULESCU, Elena-Camelia(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
The article presents how to achieve interactive learning at the biology discipline by integrating open educational resources created with the help of LabXchange digital laboratory. It is succinctly described the organization ...
SOROCEANU, Igor(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
Elections represent a crucial moment in the democratic life of a country, and the Republic of Moldova (RM) is no exception. In this process, gender issues become important, highlighting both the participation and representation ...
SHAPRAN, Oleksii(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
Flipped learning is an innovative educational model gaining traction in higher education, promoting active student engagement through a blend of independent and interactive learning. Originating from Sal Khan’s educational ...
KARLSEN, Anita(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
The paper presents a laboratory experiment carried out with students, which has been cosidered inexpensive and with increased visual impact. The goal was to determine the activation energy of the faze separation process ...
GLOBA, Angela(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
A problem for a computer science olympiad has a long history and continues to be relevant for many generations of children interested in computer science. This article examines the didactic aspects of creating a competition ...
GASNAŞ, Ala(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in various aspects of our lives, including education. These technologies bring numerous benefits and opportunities to optimize activities and tasks within the educational ...
DAVIDENKO, Andrey(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
Based on personal teaching experience and research in the field of natural science didactics, the author suggests paying close attention to the teaching methods that have been developed in a particular country over decades. ...
The study evaluated the quality of groundwater in the Căușeni district, Republic of Moldova, as part of the project Ensuring the Quality of Groundwater and Public Health, funded by the National Environmental Fund and ...
CHIRIAC, Ghenadie(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
The paper describes the synthesis and characterization of the coordination compounds obtained by condensation reactions between isoniazid and 3-pyridinecarboxaldehyde, respectively 4 pyridinecarboxaldehyde. Isoniazid, a ...
CAZACIOC, Nadejda; COROPCEANU, Eduard(Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024)
In order to ensure environmental education and to increase interest in water resources, the scarcity of which will cause socio-economic crises in the near future, the International "Water is Life" Contest was initiated, ...
Mathematics can be seen as a tool with which to create models or representations that allow us to study real phenomena. Although generally considered a cold science, mathematics can be a real source of artistic inspiration ...