Facultatea Arte Plastice şi Design: Recent submissions

  • MOISEI, Ludmila (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”, 2024)
  • MOISEI, Ludmila (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”, 2024)
  • GOBJILA, Ana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    Suportul de curs la disciplina „Desen” este destinat studenților cu capacități specifice în domeniul artă plastică. Scopul este de a relata indicații de studiu și informații utile la desenarea mâinilor și picioarelor figurii ...
  • MOKAN-VOZIAN, Ludmila (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    Lucrarea de faţă reprezintă un studiu asupra portretului ca gen al artelor plastice, în care este propusă nu doar o descriere a istoriei acestuia, ci sunt remarcate diverse aspecte, care, considerăm, sunt esenţiale. Portretul ...
  • MOKAN-VOZIAN, Ludmila (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    Colajul este un fenomen relativ tânăr în artă, dar care își are contribuția la formarea tendințelor artistice. Tehnica colajului (din fr. ”collage” - lipire) oferă o deschidere amplă pentru creativitate, deoarece pentru a ...
  • GOBJILA, Ana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2022)
    Suportul de curs la disciplina „Desen” este destinat studenților cu capacități specifice în domeniul artă plastică. Scopul este de a relata indicații de studiu și informații utile la desenarea mâinilor și picioarelor figurii ...
  • ISAC, Ina; SIMAC, Ana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    At present, mankind is attracted to nature and its simplicity. After various industrial experiments, globalization and trials of all kinds – people increasingly need something modest, simple and light. The tendency to ...
  • COJOCARU, Stela (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The earliest form of communication between people was drawing. Current studies of the visual arts are focused on the psychological and physiological effects of the creative act and artistic products. Any form of human ...
  • RAILEANU, Veronica (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Words determine the speech, numbers are the basis of mathematics, musical notes make up music, all of these elements together form the specifics of the language for a particular branch. Obviously graphic arts are also based ...
  • PLATIȚA, Mihaela (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    As a cultural model, postmodernism in the context of art education promotes a new way of understanding the relationship between knowledge and experience, between theory and practice at the level of human action. Postmodernism ...
  • ROȘCA – CEBAN, Daniela; ARBUZ-SPATARI, Olimpiada (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The so-called decorative glass painting and glass embroidery is a special type of painting in which the decoration is created from dots. The points are gathered into shapes and lines, as a result, a unique and original ...
  • GRAMA, Vasile (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Composition in the most general sense is defined as the construction of a holistic work, the elements of which are in a harmonious unity. In the visual arts, this fundamental notion is formed due to the structural relations ...
  • MIRZA, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Today's office - it's not just a room of a certain size. Currently, the office is a "living" space, this phenomenon being caused by the process of globalization as well as the implementation of advanced technologies. The ...
  • TAMAZLÎCARI, Cristina (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    In the Byzantine iconography a standardization of the forms of the saints was created, especially of the facial features. The form of representation of each Saint is fixed, and varies to some extent, depending on the icon. ...
  • GHEORGHIŢĂ, Cezara (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Popular architecture is a great and valuable chapter in the legacy of our nation. Examined as a genre in its own right, it represents an artistic and historical phenomenon based on the millennial practice of living and ...
  • URSACHI, Rodica (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Valentina Rusu-Ciobanu through his creation brought an invaluable contribution to the development of fine arts in the republic and pavedtheway for thei nclusion of the painting school in Moldova in a new history of Romanian ...
  • MOISEI, Ludmila (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Being understood as a form of social consciousness, having its roots in the deepest horizons of material and spiritual life, in the worldly conception of man in the traditional environment, the problem of cultural communication ...
  • BRIGALDA, Eleonora (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The sculptural portrait in Moldova has its origins in the art of Moldovan folk crucifixes. And only at the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries, thanks to the efforts of artists and teachers as Terenty Zubku and ...
  • MALCOCI, Vitalie (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Rustic architecture, with all its components, plays the most important role in the life of villagers, and remains the most admirable and significant field of Moldovan popular art. This intimate space contains many symbolic ...
  • POSTOLACHE, Ana-Maria (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    This article touches the importance of professional skills such as time management, the importance of presentations and the ability to lead a dialogue competently. The connection of these practical skills, talents and ...

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