Modelarea matematică şi simularea asistată de calculator a dinamicii fluidelor perfecte

Show simple item record SCHIȚCO, Olesea 2017-10-25T10:27:56Z 2017-10-25T10:27:56Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Schiţco, Olesea. Modelarea matematică şi simularea asistată de calculator a dinamicii fluidelor perfecte. In: Probleme ale ştiinţelor socioumanistice şi modernizării învăţământului: materialele conf. şt. anuale a profesorilor şi cercetătorilor UPS „Ion Creangă”. Univ. Ped. de Stat „Ion Creangă”; coord. şt. Ig. RACU, col. red. C. PERJAN [et al.]: [in vol.]. Chişinău: S. n., 2016 (Tipogr. UPS „Ion Creangă”), vol. 1 (seria 18), p. 215-219. Bibliogr.- 3 titl. en_US
dc.description.abstract The work includes general aspects of the study and analyzing a mathematical model, by computer simulation of the problem situations, leads to a better perception of perfect fluid dynamics. The interactive experiment was developed in Delphi environment, enabling running of the software on most operating systems. It has made a good interference between physics, mathematics and informatics, thus am organized an interdisciplinary learning activity. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.subject Matematica en_US
dc.subject Dinamica fluidelor perfecte en_US
dc.subject Tehnologii informationale en_US
dc.title Modelarea matematică şi simularea asistată de calculator a dinamicii fluidelor perfecte en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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