Browsing by Subject "ICT in teaching physics"

Browsing by Subject "ICT in teaching physics"

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  • PETRUȘCA, Andrei; PETRUȘCA, Elena; BOCANCEA, Viorel (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2022)
    In this article is described the practice of some Google Chrome extensions that are used at the physics lesson like: Loom, Webpoint Insersert Learning, Share to Classroom, One click screenșot, Bitmoji, Google Translate.
  • POSTOLACHI, Igor; BOCANCEA, Viorel; POSTOLACHI, Valentina (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2022)
    The article describes three laboratory works in physics, performed in a digital laboratory for seventh class. In pandemic conditions, the digital laboratory offers fundamental new opportunities for the development of the ...