Browsing by Subject "Comprehension"

Browsing by Subject "Comprehension"

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  • GEORGESCU, Patricia-Maria (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2020)
    The curriculum for Romanian language and literature requires a new attitude to the student that is going to be treated as a subject of his own communicative-linguistic and literary-artistic growth and to the subjects taught ...
  • STANCIU, Carmen (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    The article aims at the concept of interpretation, which involves re-reading the text to understand it in depth, decoding and the difficulties encountered in achieving this approach, implicitly the lexeme comprehension, ...
  • MUNTEANU, Tamara (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2020)
    In primary school, the pupil must be helped to understand the message of the text read and to discover what he can capitalize on from the act of reading. In choosing the literary texts, which are proposed to the students, ...
  • ARMAȘU-CANȚÎR, Ludmila; SCÎNTEI, Liliana (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2022)
    Listening is a fundamental skill, involved in acquiring basic intellectual skills: speaking, reading, writing. Currently, more and more attention is being paid to listening, from several perspectives: as part of oral ...
  • IAROVOI, Rodica (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Acest articol se referă la structura internă a competenței. La categriile de cunoștințe. La importanța lor pentru formarea de competențe. Capitalul social și cel uman și competența de comunicare. Rolul calității ...
  • IFTIMIA, Brîndușa -Lenuța; GÎNJU, Stela (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”, 2020)
    The learning environment outside the classroom is a mean by which the cognitive development of preschoolers is achieved. It is not an alternative to learning in kindergarten but a thoroughgoing, a personalization of the ...
  • SANDU, Parascovia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    Comprehension represents the ability to penetrate, to understand something, contributing to the awareness of the content, to the awareness of the literary-artistic message launched by the author, to the cultivation of ...
  • IAROVOI, Rodica (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Comprehensiunea e factor de bază în emiterea și receptarea de mesaje. Curriculumul pentru învățământul primar proectează producerea și receptarea mesajelor. Comunicarea se produce cu un anumit scop/obiectiv. Competența ...