Browsing by Author "RACU, Iulia"

Browsing by Author "RACU, Iulia"

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  • LOSÎI, Elena; RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2018)
    Ghidul de practică este destinat masteranzilor de la programul de studiu Activitatea psihoeducaţională, de consiliere şi psihoterapie a psihologului practic din cadrul Facultății de Psihologie și Psihopedagogie Specială a ...
  • RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2013)
    Lucrarea se adresează mai multor categorii de persoane: • studenţilor şi masteranzilor care au nevoie de informaţii cu privire la problema anxietăţii, la instrumentele de diagnosticare şi la modalităţile de intervenţie; ...
  • RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”, 2020)
    Article presents the results of an experimental research of school anxiety at small school children. In our research were included 78 children with age 9 till 11. 23,08% of small school children presents a high level of ...
  • RACU, Igor; RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Article presents the results for anxiety in preschoolers through elucidating its specific character depending on gender and age. Also was established that situational anxiety at preschool stage takes the shape of some ...
  • RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    Article contains the result of an experimental research of anxiety and relation between anxiety and self-confidence at lyceum pupils. As results we underline that for 18,39% adolescents are characteristic a moderate and ...
  • LOSÎI, Elena; RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”, 2019)
    An important aspect of child`s developing personality is socialization. Early social skills are important in psychological development in childhood as they begin to form positive relationships with adults and other children ...
  • LOSÎI, Elena; RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2018)
    An important aspect of child`s developing personality is socialization. Early social skills are important in psychological development in childhood as they begin to form positive relationships with adults and other ...
  • NIȚĂ, Liliana; RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The articole describes the results of a constatative research of ability of achieving the goals in preadolescence. As results we established that a few preadolescents present a high level of ability of achieving the goals. ...
  • RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The present article is devoted to an important emotional problem characteristic for pupils of different ages – school anxiety / academic anxiety. In our research were included 548 children and adolescents. We can mention ...
  • RACU, Iulia; LECA, Sergiu (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”, 2019)
    The article is the study of emotional intelligence and its components in preadolescence depending on gender, age and family types. In our research were included 90 preadolescents from different families: complete, single-parent ...
  • RACU, Iulia; STANCIU, Mirela (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    A fundamental phase in the human development is adolescence. Defining for adolescence are the complex and complicated biological, cognitive and psychosocial modifications. The large changes and evolutions on all the plans ...
  • RACU, Igor; RACU, Iulia (2015-11)
    The article describes the result of study of the computer addiction at adolescents. The computer addiction in adolescents has a high frequency. Nowadays 34% of adolescent are computer addicted. The relation between computer ...
  • RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    Article presents the results of experimental research of familial context and its influence on anxiety on children of different ages. On 642 children was applied The Family Drawing Test. Analysing the experimental outcomes ...
  • RACU, Iulia; SOROCHIN, Elena (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    The article presents the result of experimental research of well-being and its correlations (life satisfaction, stress and optimism) at adults. In the research were included 80 adults (41 men and 39 women). As results we ...
  • RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”, 2019)
    The article is devoted to an important problem of modern psychology – anxiety. Anxiety is an emotion characterized by unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervousness, tension and agitation. The people ...
  • NIȚĂ, Liliana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”, 2022)
    The aim of this research was to study the specifics of volition and volitional qualities in preadolescents, as well as to elaborate and implement a new model of psychological intervention aiming to develop the volition and ...
  • RACU, Iulia; NIȚĂ, Liliana (CEP UPSC, 2023)
  • RACU, Iulia; LUNGU, Olivia (2017)
    The article presents the results of the formative approach of the development of self-image at preadolescents. The main elements of self-image development program such as: the principles, the stages, methods and techniques ...
  • RACU, Iulia; NIȚĂ, Liliana (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2021)
    The article describes the experimental research of volition development in preadolescence. Our research included 239 preadolescents with ages between 10 to 15 years. As results we established that 23,01% of preadolescents ...
  • RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The article describes the anxiety and gender difference in anxiety manifestation in children and adolescence. The anxiety is encountered from preschool period up to adolescence. We proved that out of all the investigated ...