Browsing by Author "BOLDUMA, Veronica"

Browsing by Author "BOLDUMA, Veronica"

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  • BOLDUMA, Veronica (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    recent years, more and more emphasis has been placed on methods of educational interaction. These methods allow the teacher to involve even the most passive student in the communication process. Interactive learning requires ...
  • BOLDUMA, Veronica (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”, 2020)
    În conformitate cu exigenţele procesului de predare-învăţare-evaluare în secolul XXI autorii de curriculum gimnazial şi autorii de manuale şcolare pun accentual pe dezvoltarea competenţelor de comunicare în cadrul orelor ...
  • BOLDUMA, Veronica (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    One of the most effective means of unlocking students and breaking down mental reserves is theater, which offers the opportunity to use the foreign language to "do something", possibly to entertain, and not just ...