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  • BOGHEAN, Teodora ("Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University of Chisinau, 2023)
    We live in a society that is constantly changing, that modernizes and develops from one day to the next. These changes appear and modify the usual course of things, however, each new element comes with a beautiful baggage ...
  • ZGUREANU, Rita (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The pandemic crisis caused the school to fail to carry out its mission without a family. In recent years, family and school are working together more and more. With the shift to teaching the digital divide online it has ...
  • JUCOV, Artiom (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2019)
    Management is a science and the art of driving; how someone chooses to engage, generate or act is relevant in the context of a particular or different type of situation. Collaboration exists within the relationships that ...
  • SIMCENCO, Irina (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    In the context of the Covid-19, the online pedagogical process has become a necessity that offers opportunities to school and family, in the same time, but also many uncertainties, challenges. The role of the parent, as a ...
  • ȚÎMBALÎ, Valentina; TANACHI, Tatiana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023-03-18)
    During about 50 years in GBN(I) the collection of succulent plants (excl.fam.Cactaceae) was created, which at sf.y.2022 numbered 755 taxa referring to 103 genera and 22 families. The most numerous families are: Crassulaceae ...
  • CHIPER, Valentin (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2020)
    The caroling in the south of Bessarabia, in the lower course of the Prut, the Danube and the Black Sea has been preserved in its old archaic forms, varied and very rich. In this ethnographic area we will find a great ...
  • MARDARI, Alina (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2020)
    Capacitatea de a lucra în colaborare este foarte apreciată la locul de muncă de astăzi. Cu toate acestea, colaborarea nu se întâmplă adesea în mod natural într-un grup. Anumite strategii trebuie aplicate pentru a coordona ...
  • MÎSLIȚCHI, Valentina (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2021)
    The article deals with the issue of combating aggression among preadolescents by capitalizing on cooperation between general education institutions and family. The paper presents interventions within a school-family ...
  • ALBERDI CELAYA, Elisabete; ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, Irantzu (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2022)
    We are going to present a project that we have developed in our university in the Civil Engineering degree in which we integrate mathematics and engineering to contribute to sustainability. The main purpose of this project ...
  • COSOVAN, Olga (2014)
    The integrated study of Romanian language and literature imposes a modification of text exploration strategies and brings philological commentary into the first plan. Its efficient application may have as consequences both ...
  • CĂRBUNE, Natalia (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2022)
    As statistics show, in foreign trade over the past decade and a half, there has been a steady and steady growth in world foreign trade, exceeding the pace of GDP growth, which is convincing. increasingly involved in the ...
  • NASTAS, Eugenia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2020)
    The Commission of Historical Monuments of Bessarabia, a dynamic institution, active despite all the difficulties that were in the interwar decades had an essential contribution in protecting the cultural heritage, ...
  • POPA, Mihail; PRICOP, Victor (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2020)
    In this article we study ternary system of differential equations that has as projections various mathematical models. This system is studied using Lie algebra of transformations of rotation groups. Using corresponding Lie ...
  • CREȚU, Vasile (2020)
    In this article are analyzed some aspects regarding the activity of the school committees set up in Bessarabia on the initiative of the Minister of Public Instruction Const. Angelescu by the Decree-law of July 1919. Their ...
  • GOGU, Tamara; DUTOVA, Laurentia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The present article is dedicated, especially, to humane communication, as well as to the three types of communication, such as: communication based on sense (meaning), conventional and interactional ones. A special place ...
  • GOLUBOVSCHI, Oxana; HERȚA, Lilia (2017)
    Relatarea propusă este dedicată importanţei utilizării traducerii în clasă, în realizarea procesului de comunicare. Prezentul articol susține ideea că traducerea include toate caracteristicile necesare pentru efectuarea ...
  • MOGONEA, Florentina; POPESCU, Alexandrina Mihaela; MOGONEA, Florentin Remus (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    This study approaches the issue of the communities of practice, seen as effective ways of interaction, exchange of ideas, practices, experiences between specialists belonging to the same field or related fields. Communities ...
  • PARASCHIV, Violeta (2014)
    The present article approaches the topic of phraseological verbal expressions. The author concludes that from the numerical point of view, the verbal expressions do not represent a large class and the possibilities of ...
  • CÎRLIG, Tatiana; TÎGANAŞ, Ana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    Compendiu pentru lucrări de laborator la zoologia vertebratelor este destinat studenților specialităților biologice ale instituțiilor de învățământ superior și acoperă toate compartimentele curriculum-ului la disciplina ...
  • MOŞANU-ŞUPAC, Lora; LIOGCHII, Nina; COŞCODAN, Diana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    În această lucrare sunt prezentate indicații la efectuarea lucrărilor de laborator la compartimentul Embriologia, care se studiază în cadrul cursului de Histologie, unde ne-am străduit să îmbinăm în mod echitabil cunoștințele ...