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  • TIOSA, Iuliana (2014)
    În acest articol sunt scoase în evidenţă metodele de însuşire a vocabularului. Cercetarea debutează cu 3 etape decisive ale lucrului cu vocabularul. În cadrul acestor trei etape sunt enumerate procedee efective de asimilare ...
  • LUPAŞCU, Lilia (2019)
    „Expresiile generale cu privire la învăţarea cu ajutorul mediilor, la o cercetare mai aprofundată, sunt aproape imposibile. Diversitatea mediilor este foarte amplă, în cel mai bun caz se poate de reflectat în parte doar ...
  • DORIS, Sava (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Starting from the requirements in the elaboration of academic works, the article aims to highlight the importance of mastering the conventions of scientific communication. The literature dedicated to the particularities ...
  • RACU, Iulia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    The article describes the anxiety and gender difference in anxiety manifestation in children and adolescence. The anxiety is encountered from preschool period up to adolescence. We proved that out of all the investigated ...
  • RACU, Iulia; MARCU, Elena (Tipogr. "Garomont Studio", 2018)
    The article presents an experimental research of aggressive behaviour at school children of age. In our research were included 48 pupils from 3rd, 5th 7th and 9th grades. Through the following tests Types of aggressiveness ...
  • PAVLENKO, Lilia (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2022)
    Diversity at the cultural, social, ethnic, personal, etc. level becomes a priority challenge for specialists in the field of psychopedagogy regarding the education and manifestation of tolerance, respect, appreciation of ...
  • CUJBĂ, Vadim; ȚÎȚU, Pavel (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2019)
    Studiul de față, abordează particularitățile structurii demolingvistice a populației Republicii Moldova și a diferențierilor lingvistice teritoriale. Ideea elaborării acestui studio geodemografic, derivă din interesul ...
  • COPACINSCHI, Angela (2017)
    In the present study I propose to myself to investigate the language facts of the systemic and pragmatic-discursive plan, which are interconnected with each other, that facilitates the interpretation of new concepts and ...
  • CARACAȘ, Olimpia (2017)
    În acest articol se abordeazǎ unele dificultǎți întâlnite la vorbitorii de limbǎ romậnǎ, la pronunțarea unor consoane englezești și pune accent pe unele indicații ce pot sǎ le ajute sǎ înfrunte aceste dificultǎți.
  • CHITOROGA, Lucia; NEGURĂ, Ion (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2021)
    Lucrarea reprezintă un studiu teoretico-experimental al dificultăților de învățare a limbajului scris la elevii din clasele primare, în cadrul căruia au fost identificate particularitățile psihice și de personalitate ale ...
  • PERJAN, Carolina (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”, 2019)
    The article involves a theoretical analysis of notions related to the emotional sphere. In this article discusses various notions such as: emotional distress, emotional difficulties, emotional disturbances, emotional issues, ...
  • LISNIC, Angela (2014)
    The subject of this study is directed toward examining new theoretical concepts that exist in contemporary historiography. These concepts are relative to historical content examining contemporary historiography and historical ...
  • GĂLUȘCĂ, Lilia (2014)
    Several problems regarding the Romanian accent are emphasized in this article. These difficulties occurred only because the accent in Romanian is a “mobile”, a irregular one. Although the place of the accent is not a regular ...
  • ADĂSCĂLIŢĂ, Viorica; POPOVICI, Adriana (2017)
    Socialization process keeps going during whole individual's life coming out as in various activities undertaken, so and in communicating with the people all around us. Due to the specified process a child assimilates norms ...
  • BUICĂ-BELCIU, Cristian (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2020)
    While still new as a concept, dual exceptionality has begun being studied and approached as a distinct entity not just by specialists, but at educational, school level. A series of omissions, inconsistencies, and ...
  • VÎRLAN, Maria; FRUNZE, Olesea (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2013)
    The child blind or with low vision academic field is difficult. This is explained that most of the problems related to the low level of education. It is of major importance for creating models pedagogue training school ...
  • POROMBRICA, Maia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    This article delves into the profound ramifications of digitization within the realm of education, centering its examination on the domains of self-directed learning and professional development platforms tailored to ...
  • BULAT-GUZUN, Ana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2022)
    The textbook is the official document of education policy, through which the teaching-learningassessment process is organized and the basic requirements of the education system are met. Changing the way the textbook is ...
  • PYROZHKOV, Yehor (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă", 2023)
    The article deals with the digitalization of education. It reveals its positive side, which allows the educational process in a remote mode, which is very important for society, which is experiencing certain crisis situations. ...
  • MOKAN-VOZIAN, Ludmila (2014)
    Article targeting spatiality and temporality problem as characteristic of fine arts in general and painting, in particular. The author refers to the dichotomy of space-time as a factor in creating the image and artistic ...